Ipswich Brewers Union
Helping home brewers perfect quality beer through education and enjoyment
About Us
Established in 2011, Ipswich Brewers Union is a home brew enthusiast club focused on improving the quality of our beer and having a good time doing it. We’re based in Ipswich, Queensland (Australia) and have national award winning brewers among our members.
We generally meet on the first Thursday of every month at Tap’d bar at the PA Hotel, starting at 7pm. New members and guests are welcome, please ensure you contact us to confirm timings or check out our Events page.

Annual Barrel Project
Each year our members can choose to take part in our barrel project. This allows each participating member to supply a decided upon brew that is then aged for a year in the barrel. After the year is up, we give the members back their portion as a barrel-aged beer ready for them to drink!
Currently we have a Belgian Tripel that has been in the barrel since October 2020, so watch this space. Previous brews have been aRussian Imperial Stout, Jack Daniels Barleywine, English IPA and a Berliner Weisse. The barrel lives at one of our member Roger’s home, who is a member of the barrel committee that decides which beers are going in next, and when to add additional hops and general caretaking.